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President: After recognition Transnistria will be reunited with Russia

President of Transnistria Vadim Krasnoselsky met a representative of the Communist Party faction in the Russian State Duma Kazbek Taisaev. The parties discussed prospects for further development of the Russian-Transnistrian inter-parliamentary ties.

The Transnistrian president stressed necessity of an open cooperation of equals with all factions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. "Deputies of all factions - United Russia, A Just Russia, the Communist Party, and the LDPR – gave us a unanimous support. We must cooperate on equal footing with everyone. I think that this is right. I appreciate and welcome the consolidated position of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in relation to Transnistria and I hope that it will remain so,” Krasnoselsky said.

In turn, the Russian parliamentarian stressed that he and his Duma colleagues "consider the support of Transnistrians as one of the priority tasks." "One of the few issues that unites the entire State Duma, for which we always give a consolidated vote, is everything related to Transnistria," said Taisaev, adding that when it comes to Transnistria, nobody in the State Duma locks in their own "political apartments".

"We appreciate the support of the Russian Federation. Russia means many things for us. It is the guarantor of the negotiation process, peacemaker, strategic partner, and the state, with respect to which the Transnistrian people expressed themselves unequivocally in favor of reunification with the Great Motherland - the Russian Federation - after the recognition of the independence of the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic", concluded Vadim Krasnoselsky.

Kazbek Taisaev is in Moldova on a working visit, at the invitation of the Party of Communists to attend a conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. On the eve of his visit to Tiraspol, he had a meeting with Moldovan President Igor Dodon, in which the leader of the Transnistrian communists, Oleg Horjan, also took part. Taisaev has not met yet with the head of the Moldovan Communist Party Vladimir Voronin.

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