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Armenia will never make concessions in Karabakh under pressure: president

Armenia will never make concession in Karabakh issue under pressure, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said addressing students of Andranik Margaryan Political School of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia.

“We are ready for mutual concessions to solve the problem peacefully, without war, but no pressure – either internal or external - can have any impact. Otherwise for us it would be time to go packing,” the president’s press office quotes Sargsyan as saying.

The Armenian leader believes that a politician must have civil courage, otherwise it is senseless engaging in politics. “There are no totally fearless people in the world; only imbeciles have no fear at all. But when your anxiety turns into fear, that’s too bad. When during that anxiety, under the influence of that anxiety you change your decisions, that’s the moment you become a coward. Under no circumstance, never ever change your decisions because of pressure or fear. One of the presidents of the United States said a wonderful thing, he said to never fear concessions or negotiations, but never go to concessions or negotiations out of fear. In my opinion, Kennedy was one of the best presidents of the United States, and I believe his words are pretty consistent with what is going on today,” Sargsyan said.

In his speech, the president highlighted that a political figure should learn non-stop and have storage of knowledge in various fields. He advised the school students to learn at least the basics of jurisprudence and economics despite the subject they major in. As for professional lawyers, the president urged them to present legal wording in a comprehensible way, understandable for the public at large.

“To engage in politics one should have a solid baggage of knowledge – political activities are impossible without it. Yes, one needs knowledge to become a politician; one has to have moral attributes to engage in politics; one needs civil courage,” the Armenian president said.

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