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Chief of Ukraine’s Security Service: Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky may be put out of the way soon

Chief of Ukraine’s Security Service Vasily Hrytsak is sure that the heads of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR/LPR) Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky may be put out of the way soon.

Addressing the students of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Hrytsak said: “Zakharchenko, Plotnitsky and others should take a thought, as they may be just put out of the way soon, since they have the blood of many people on their hands,” he said. Hrytsak is sure that it is not enough “to chant Glory to the Nation. It is necessary to do something – Death to the Enemies.”

As EADaily reported earlier, Alexander Zakharchenko hopes the conflict in Donbass will end by the end of the year. He made such forecasts addressing Ukraine’s residents online. At the same time, Dmitro Yarosh, the former leader of the Right Sector, a nationalist movement banned in Russia, member of the Supreme Rada, said Ukraine may collapse by the end of 2016.

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