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Lugansk and Donetsk guarantee security of observers and media during elections: statement

The self-proclaimed people’s republics of Donbass guarantee the security of international observers and mass media covering the local elections to be held in line with the Minsk Agreements. The Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic delegation to the Contact Group Denis Pushilin and presentative of the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) Vladislav Deinego made a joint statement on it today, on April 5.

They recalled that the Minsk Agreements do not provide for the activity of any international force structures in the region, which the Ukrainian authorities insist on despite anything. Kiev must implement its political commitments.

“To ensure the elections, they should not seek reasons for an armed intervention in Donbass, but introduce amendments – agreed upon with us - to the Constitution of Ukraine and draft a law on elections jointly,” the representatives of the Donbass republics say.

Earlier in March, Denis Pushilin said the DPR supports the stand of FRG and Russia on the need to hold elections in conformity with the Set of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements before July 2016.

As EADaily reported, representatives of the Donbass republics said earlier that Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko’s suggestion to deploy a contingent of the international police to Donbass runs contrary to the Minsk Agreements and “will not bring stability, quite the contrary, this will spark large-scale clashes that will grow into a real war involving the Western countries.” The Donbass representatives to the peace talks do not rule out that Kiev pursues such scenario.

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