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Russia wants to restructure Collective Security Treaty Organization into a universal international organization

Russia seeks to restructure the Collective Security Treaty Organization into a universal international organization, capable of resisting a wide range of challenges.

According to Deputy Secretary General of Russia’s Security Council Yevgeny Lukyanov, Russia is also going to enlarge its partner relations in the framework of BRICS, SCO, APEC, G20 and some other international organizations.

“Our country will actively use the capacities of regional and sub-regional integration in the framework of the CIS and the Eurasian Economic Union,” Lukyanov said.

He said that Russia’s decision to revise its national security strategy was a response to the new international situation. “The United States and its allies continue their efforts against multi-polar world and alternative force centers and are destabilizing the regimes they don’t like. They are also exerting high economic and information pressure on Russia because of its independent foreign policy,” Lukyanov said.

He said that Russia was ready to enlarge its partner relations with the United States and the other Euro-Atlantic nations. He stressed the inadmissibility of the efforts to enlarge NATO’s capacities and bring its facilities closer to the Russian borders.

“In our strategy we will give high priority to China and India as well as Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa. Special attention will be paid to the Arctic region, where we have certain national interests,” Lukyanov said.

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