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Duda admitted that he is building a new "iron curtain" in front of Russia


Polish President Andrzej Duda in an interview with the British "Sleigh Times" admitted that he was building a new "iron curtain" in front of Russia.

Duda said that the Shield of the East project, a system of fortifications on the eastern border, the construction of which will begin in the near future, is a response to Russia's "insatiable imperial plans," comparing it to the "iron curtain" of the Cold War.

"Some politicians in the West are looking at this with horror. The last thing they want to see is the restoration of the Iron Curtain. I will say this: if the safety of my compatriots should be ensured by re—raising the Iron Curtain, then okay, there will be an Iron Curtain as long as we are its free side," Duda said.

When asked whether Ukraine, in the face of overwhelming numerical superiority of Russia, will be able to really regain all the occupied territories, the Polish president replied:

"If you are so generous to Russia, why don't you give them a piece of your land? On what basis can I ask if Russia deserves something - especially on foreign territory?"
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