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The G7 countries agreed to issue a loan to Ukraine at the expense of Russian assets

Flags of the G7 countries. Photo: Shutterstock

The leaders of the G7 countries have agreed on the details of granting Ukraine a $50 billion loan, according to a joint statement by the organization's member countries published on the Italian government's website.

"Today we, the leaders of the G7 countries, have reached a consensus on how to provide Ukraine with about $ 50 billion in loans," the report said.

The loan will be repaid at the expense of income from frozen Russian assets "in accordance with international law," as previously stated.

"The loans will be serviced and repaid by future emergency income flows arising from frozen Russian sovereign assets, in accordance with the relevant legal systems of the G7 countries and international law," the document says.

The G7 countries plan to start transferring payments to Kiev by the end of the year, the statement said. According to Reuters, the leaders of the "seven" countries agreed that all loans covered by income from Russian assets will be provided to Ukraine by June 30, 2025.

The funds will be distributed through several channels to support the reconstruction of Ukraine, as well as the budgetary and military spheres.

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