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The American Trophy: the Russian engineers got a whole drone RQ-20 Puma

Photo: alexeyzhilkin / ru.freepik.com

Russian fighters in the SMO zone managed to land and capture the US-made RQ-20 Puma drone intact.

This was told to RIA Novosti by an engineer for countering unmanned systems. He reported that the entire electronic filling of the device was at the disposal of Russian specialists.

"The specialists of the UAV counteraction group managed to land a US-made RQ-20 Puma drone. This is the case when the equipment and electronics of the "bird" did not suffer. We have rare samples of drone systems at our disposal. We will work with them," said the agency interlocutor.

He also said that in relative proximity to the American UAV in the air was the Ukrainian "Baba Yaga", which was shot down with small arms.

"She was shot down by small arms. After inspection, it turned out that the copter was equipped with a Starlink repeater and a drop system with two ammunition," the specialist explained.

Earlier, EADaily reported that last night the air defense forces on duty shot down 17 enemy UAVs in four regions of Russia.

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