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The Moldovan opposition refuses to recognize the election results

Voting in the elections in Moldova. Photo ipn.md/Elena Covalenco

The ruling Action and Solidarity Party (PDS) in Moldova is committing monstrous violations, falsifying the presidential elections taking place today, October 20, and the referendum on joining the EU organized by the authorities. This was stated to the TASS news agency by the leader of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon. So the former head of state commented on the mass queues of representatives of the Moldovan diaspora at two sites in Moscow, open to almost half a million citizens of the Republic of Moldova living in Russia.

The politician, whose party supports the candidacy of former Prosecutor General Alexander Stoyanoglo in the presidential elections (called Sandu's main opponent), believes that the ruling regime has purposefully reduced the number of polling stations in the Russian Federation to a minimum and is now using this situation to invalidate the votes of Moldovans living here.

"After huge queues appear at these two polling stations, the Foreign Ministry and Prime Minister Dorin Rechan cynically shift their blame to the alleged mass transportation of voters in Moscow. At the same time, in Romania, Italy and other Western countries, where more than two hundred polling stations are open, opposition observers are not allowed to visit them after they noticed busing of voters there, campaigning and other illegal actions. By lunchtime, election observers had received more than 600 signals about these and other violations," Dodon stressed.

According to him, the authorities are also trying to hide the fact that many voters, at the call of the Party of Socialists, do not participate in the illegal referendum, the results of which Sandu and the PDS want to use to crack down on the opposition, exclusion from The Constitution contains provisions on neutrality, national sovereignty belonging to the people and other laws.

"Unprecedented violations occur with the tacit submission of the "Western partners", who previously reacted to the slightest violations during the elections in Moldova," concluded Igor Dodon.

Presidential candidate from The Party of Unification and Development of Moldova (PROM) Ion Chicu also complained that his formation delegated 103 representatives to be present at polling stations abroad, but only 7 of them were allowed to be observers. The former prime Minister blamed the Central Election Commission for this, noting that the heads of polling stations abroad "received direct instructions from the CEC not to allow representatives of the industry to be observers."

"There is an unprecedented falsification in the elections in Moldova with the direct participation of the CEC led by the PDS. Dear citizens, you know that during these elections, more than 1.5 million ballots were issued at election bureaus opened abroad. The fact that representatives of Maia Sandu's opponents are not allowed in these sections confirms only one thing: they will falsify these elections," the politician said and threatened that if the CEC does not intervene, he and his party "will not recognize the results of the vote."

According to the Central Election Commission of Moldova, about 1.35 million citizens voted by 18.00, and more than 180 thousand people abroad.

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