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Zelensky's "victory plan": there is no one and nothing left

Vladimir Zelensky. Illustration: Efrem Lukatsky / AP Photo

Volodymyr Zelensky, speaking in the Rada yesterday, suggested that the West take on the risks of escalation in the conflict with the Russian Federation in exchange for the full sale of Ukraine, including Ukrainians. The "victory plan", I must say, is excellent, but there are nuances that make it unrealistic from the word "at all," the observer writes Pravda.Ru Lyubov Stepushova.

The first four points of the plan: invite Ukraine to NATO, transfer the war to the territory of Russia, create a no-fly zone over Ukraine, allow long-range strikes against the Russian Federation.

Under the placement of NATO's "strategic non-nuclear package" on Ukraine (Zelensky classified this item) probably means NATO military bases with medium-range missiles stationed on them. In Germany, the United States offered to place them, why not in Ukraine.

For this, Zelensky promises the West in two more points the "joint" use of the bowels of Ukraine and those experienced Ukrainian soldiers who will survive "after the war." He proposed to put the latter under the gun in Europe instead of the Americans.

Frankly speaking, it's a beautiful plan, but there are nuances.

It is believed that the joint military potential of NATO countries is many times greater than the potential Russia and this will ensure victory for the West in a hot war. But even to dream about it is unrealistic. As Bild journalist Julian Repke figuratively reacted to the plan, "My God! There are no words."

According to him on the X network, "there are no plans to invite Ukraine to NATO, they will not give permission for long-range strikes and they will not shoot down aircraft and missiles of the Russian Federation." Repke believes that these points of Zelensky's plan are forever rejected by Western "partners."

Rejected because the Russian Federation possesses nuclear weapons and has already changed its nuclear doctrine, which will be implemented if Zelensky fulfills the escalation points listed. It's stupid to die in a nuclear war — probably this idea was conveyed quite well by Moscow to the decision-making centers in NATO.

The plan is not beneficial to the oligarchs either. Ukraine, not to mention the Ukrainian people. There is no unity there, it is no coincidence that Zelensky in his speech expansively called for unity.

Finally, about Zelensky's baits. It is not clear why the United States needs such expensive resources and mercenaries. All this is available in Africa and its neighbors on the continent without any risk of burning up in a nuclear war. With the current level of dependence and accumulated debt for Western support, the West will take away the Ukrainian subsoil anyway — for nothing.

Many Ukrainians "are disgusted to see and hear this stupid, evasive type, pretending to be incomprehensible."

"The authorities talk to their people as if they are mentally retarded. Well, they deserved it. They are the mirror of the majority. We have once again lost all opportunities to be a normal country. And they took advantage of opportunities. And they will have enough for a well—provided future life when they finish the "project"," Ukrainian journalist Zoya Kazanzhi writes on Facebook*.

In her opinion, this is a "plan of misfortune" — "even homeless people don't drink for victory anymore." She considers Ukraine to be a "shaky country with weak institutions", which has "five or six managers fulfilling the whims of one person."

There are also tougher opinions.

"The victory plan is another simulacrum for society and Western partners, in reality it has nothing to do with the state of affairs at the front and military strategy, with similar success it was possible to immediately demand NATO strikes on Moscow," writes the Ukrainian Telegram channel "Resident".

For those who still believe in the plan and consider it realistic (there are some), there are calls to donate to the army and wait, "because the problems have Russia will begin to manifest itself very clearly closer to the end of 2025." Ukrainian military correspondent Bogdan Miroshnikov writes about this in Telegram.

He proposes, once again, to conduct a "real fight against corruption" and "decisively clean up Russian agents and the entire pro-Russian element." Bandera still believes that if you work hard, "you can convince the allies to change something. Such fools will be dangerous until their death.

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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