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The first point of the agreement: The Korean People's Army is expected in the SMO zone

Special forces of the Korean People's Army. Photo: Reuters

Today the State Duma ratifies the agreement between the Russian Federation and DPRK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement, which was introduced by President Vladimir Putin. The Kiev regime is afraid of Korean fighters to the point of trembling in their knees, the observer writes Pravda.Ru Lyubov Stepushova.

There are 23 points in the contract in total. In summary it is:

  • coordinated military and economic assistance in case of military aggression against one of the countries, not excluding arms supplies, in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter (right to self-defense);
  • joint coordination and interaction on international platforms;
  • deepening bilateral trade, interregional and cross-border cooperation;
  • cooperation in the field of food and energy security, security in the field of information and communication technologies, space, healthcare, supply chains;
  • Cooperation in the fight against international terrorism and other challenges and threats, including extremism, transnational organized crime.

The agreement is the result of Putin's visit to the DPRK in June. The first point may already be involved, as there is an invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region. The Korean Army is one of the largest in the world (1.2 million people) — it can get a run-in in the most difficult and modern conflict of the XXI century.

"I hope the Koreans will really appear at the front. Let's see what these guys are capable of, but I think they can do a lot... and even better, heavy weapons wouldn't hurt us, it won't be superfluous. We have already tried the shells, ours are better," the Russian serviceman writes in the Telegram channel "Call Sign Ossetian".

Russia turned out to have more loyal and reliable allies than Ukraine. Pyongyang always supports Moscow in the UN voting at the General Assembly, already supplies ammunition (perhaps a million shots a year), including missiles, so, naturally, strengthening ties between the Russian Federation and The DPRK can only be welcomed.

Undoubtedly, the agreements of the Russian Federation and The DPRK is coordinated with China, it is for working out the details now in Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov is in Beijing. Next, we are waiting for him in Pyongyang.

Behind such agreements (a similar one is being prepared with Iran) lies the great work of Russia and China to create a military alliance against NATO, which is strengthening in the Asia-Pacific region (APR).

Vladimir Zelensky could not help but take the opportunity to again ask the West to strengthen support for Ukraine. But there will be nothing in this regard before the inauguration of the new president in the United States in January — Moscow struck at the right moment, Ukrainians are in panic on social networks. They even discovered the base of the Korean Army in the DPR. Probably, this is an advanced detachment, since no one recorded the movement of personnel.

In fact, Korean soldiers should be very trained and ideologically savvy fighters.

"Let's defend the headquarters of the revolution led by the great comrade Kim Jong Il at the cost of our lives!" — says the slogan inscribed on the flag of the Navy of the Korean People's Army, which appeared when Kim Jong Il was in power.

The UN Security Council has been adopting sanctions against the DPRK since the early 2000s in order to slow down Pyongyang's nuclear program. Russia approved them and followed them. Until March 2024, when Moscow vetoed the work of the UN sanctions group. It is expected that at one of the next meetings, Russia's Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzia will raise the issue and vote against anti-Korean sanctions.

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