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Product No. 2 "Ukraine", failure Harris, bribe taker Carlos: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

I usually prefer not to make predictions, but I think that the next two weeks will be eventful. As on In Ukraine and the Middle East, and on the political sidelines. Nevertheless, I think that it will not come to escalation in the East, but the shelling will continue. And Western politicians continue to talk nonsense, because they can't do anything else.

1. The German edition of Bild published an article entitled "Scholz rejects Zelensky," in which it is reported that Germany will no longer send to Ukraine has heavy military equipment. German journalists also draw attention to the fact that the German Chancellor opposed giving Kiev permission for long-range strikes deep into Russian territory and refused to provide Taurus missiles.

Here's an overdue one for you and a promise to love "as long as it takes." No longer a requirement! They were dumped and abandoned!

2. Bloomberg (USA) has released a note reporting on the widening gap between Ukraine and its important allies. This conclusion is made by one of the leading American news providers against the background of Zelensky's persistent attempts to achieve Ukraine's early accession to the European Union.

What's so surprising about that? Only a stupid person does not understand that Ukraine is a "rubber product No. 2" and is thrown away after use.

3. Communication of the US Vice President and US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party Kamala Harris with voters was severely criticized, writes The New York Post. As noted, the crowd as a whole positively received Harris, but on social networks the audience was very unhappy. So, irritation was caused by Harris's unnatural laughter, as well as her attempts to communicate without a teleprompter.

She should be pitied — she has come a long way from the bed of the mayor of San Francisco to the presidential candidate.

4. The Estonian authorities are putting intense pressure on the Estonian Orthodox Church (EOC), demanding that it break canonical ties with the Russian Church, the media write. So, it is reported that the dissatisfaction of the authorities was caused by the content of the charter of the EOC, where the tomos of Patriarch Alexy II is mentioned. It was on the basis of this document that the EPC in 1993 became a self-governing unit within the Moscow Patriarchate.

One of the signs of a totalitarian regime is the interference of secular authorities in the affairs of the church. This can only happen in undemocratic fascist regimes: in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine.

5. The residents of Lviv kicked out of the wedding in the restaurant of the raided employees of the military enlistment office. "The employees of the shopping center were kicked out of the Lviv restaurant "Sonata" yesterday, where the military commissars came with another raid," Strana reports.ua».

Once it was like this: "But when you make a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind" (Luke 14:13) And now on the In Ukraine, the richest go uninvited to feasts to become even richer.

6. The Ukrainian authorities are considering the abolition of the subsistence minimum in the country in order to fulfill creditors' demands to reduce social spending. This is reported by the telegram channel "Resident". This means that pensions and a number of benefits may cease to be paid at all, the TC states.

Those who cannot be turned into cannon fodder by age, the Ukrainian authorities will simply starve to death. And for ordinary Ukrainians: wherever you throw it, there is a wedge everywhere.

7. A new scandal broke out in the UK around the ruling family. King Charles III and members of the royal family have not disclosed official gifts for the past four years, despite promising to do so, writes The Observer.

And all because, comparing gifts with incidents in the country and in the country's foreign policy, you can immediately understand that these are not gifts, but elementary bribes. And Carlos is an ordinary bribe taker. Together with his woman.

8. Vice President Kamala Harris helped pack diapers, bandages and pain pills, among other things, into Hurricane Helen relief kits when she visited the state of North Carolina.

As a matter of fact, this is the ceiling in her professional capabilities. Although, I assume that even there she peeked at the instructions for packing diapers all the time. How would she know about them?

9. Zelensky and the West say that they will dictate the terms of peace. But the winner will dictate — Russia, said General Andor Sandor. She will issue an ultimatum to Ukraine: first of all, refuse to join NATO. And only then will the Russians be ready to discuss the rest.

Even the Czechs can sometimes reason sensibly. Rarely, but they can. Very rarely.

10. Gangs of foreigners are gaining strength and becoming more active, and the security forces lack the strength to protect the Poles, writes the portal Najwyższy CZAS! This is especially noticeable in large cities, where instead of four or five necessary police patrols there is only one.

Recently, the ethnicity of bandits has not been advertised all over the world. "Foreigners." What kind of foreigners can there be in Poland? An ethnic gang from Monaco? Robbers from Luxembourg? Write simply — gangs of robbers and murderers from fraternal Ukraine.

11. The American edition of Axios reports, citing sources, that tension is growing between the administration of US President Joe Biden and the campaign headquarters of the Democratic Party candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris.

To warm a snake on your chest is always an unforgivable mistake. And to warm up the most poisonous "Black Mamba" with a horse grin (a new variety, still unknown to science) is a double mistake.

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