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Lavrov: Listen to Fico about the attacks on Brussels, he is smart

Sergey Lavrov. Photo: Eduard Pesov / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov approved the statement by Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico that a missile strike on Brussels could change the discussion in the West about the supply of long-range missiles to Kiev. This is reported by TASS.

Lavrov urged Europe to listen to the words of the Slovak Prime minister.

"He is a smart, decent man, an honest politician. There are few of them there. We need to listen to what he says and hear," Lavrov said.

As reported by EADaily, on the eve of the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico said that the strike of one long-range missile on the fountain in Brussels will bring to life some members of the European Parliament demanding that Ukraine be allowed to strike with Western weapons deep into Russia.

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