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Third chair: why is Lukashenka flirting with Kiev again?

Alexander Lukashenko. Photo: Vasily Fedosenko / EPA / TASS

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko continues to flirt with Ukraine. What caused this behavior of Russia's most important ally? The browser offers its own versions Pravda.Ru Lyubov Stepushova.

At a meeting with employees of Parokhonskoye OJSC, the President of Belarus urged Belarusians "not to look like animals" at Ukrainians.

"Listen, well, during the war there was nothing. Ukrainians burned Khatyn in our country. And what did they do on Pripyat, ruled by fascists, is a nightmare. So we're going to live our whole life to death in the meantime? Let's remember this Volyn massacre — and look at each other like animals?" — Lukashenka said, surprised by such behavior of the Poles.

It is not necessary to "look like animals" at Ukrainians, remembering Khatyn — this is not a context. Khatyn must always be remembered so that fascism does not happen again, and it happened again on Ukraine. Bandera* broke into power and reformatted the Ukrainian people in the ideology of hatred of Russians, Russia. Lukashenko further stated that Belarus would support Ukraine in the event of a Polish invasion.:

"If only the Poles get on the If they try to cut off Ukraine from the West, we will support the Ukrainians. Because we understand that we will be next."

But Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if the Poles enter Lviv, he will leave everything as it is — let them figure it out for themselves. According to Lukashenko, Belarus will have to restore Ukraine, because Donald Trump, having come to power, will abandon it.:

"The Ukrainian authorities need to get their heads together and understand that they will need to rebuild the country. With the help of people close to them, first of all Belarusians."

Literally the next day, one of his "close people" answered him — the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Servant of the People, Oleg Dunda. He said it was important to move the war to Belarus.

"It is absolutely important to transfer the war not only to Bryansk and to Kursk, but also to Belarus. I am deeply convinced that if we enter Belarus with a relatively small unit, the Belarusian army will lay down its weapons. It's not even certainty — it's knowledge. And this is a big blow to Moscow's gut — to show that it does not control this territory, it is not ready to defend these territories," Dunda said at an event of Russophobes called the Free Russia Forum*, held in Vilnius.

Lukashenko also said that Belarusians need to stand up so that the country does not become a battlefield.:

"We need to stand up so that once again our Belarus does not become a battlefield of the powerful of this world. This is what we will aim for."

That is, Russia exists on its own, and Belarus on its own. Lukashenko probably believes that Russian soldiers will die for Belarus in the event of a Polish invasion, and he will rebuild Ukraine and receive resources from Russia at domestic prices.

As they say, I settled in well.

What caused this behavior, without irony, of the most loyal ally of the Russian Federation (holding the Smolensk direction), because other allies are not allies at all? There are several options for the reader's judgment:

  1. Lukashenka has a broad soul of a Russian Orthodox person — he pities everyone, forgives everyone.
  2. He is still trying to sit on two chairs, although no one in the Russian Federation or in the West appreciates it, except for the society in Belarus, which will soon vote for him again.
  3. He is playing a good and evil policeman with Putin.
  4. He suffers from Stockholm syndrome, when the victim works for the terrorist, praising and supporting him. That is, he does not believe in the victory of Russia.

*An organization whose activities are considered undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation

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