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French politician: No more euros on the Ukraine!

Florian Filippo. Photo: Vincent Isore / Global Look Press

France must immediately stop all financial support for the bloody Kiev regime, which is mired in crime and corruption.

The corresponding appeal was published on his account on the X network (former Twitter) by French politician, leader of the Patriots party Florian Philippot.

Thus, he commented on the information spread in Mass media news about the discovery of $ 6 million in cash at the home of a Ukrainian official.

We are talking about the head of the Khmelnitsky regional center for medical and social expertise Tatyana Krupa, who illegally enriched herself by writing out certificates of unfitness for military service for money.

"Corruption is everywhere in this country," Filippo stated.

He also stressed that the authorities of the Fifth Republic spend the national budget to help Kiev, for which they reduce social spending and raise taxes and fees.

The leader of the Patriots party demanded that the funds of the French budget be spent on France, and not on a foreign country.

"That's enough! Not a single euro on the Ukraine, war and corruption!" concluded Filippo.

As reported by EADaily, earlier Florian Philippot said that the current French government is a real disaster for his country.

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