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Will the conflict be over by Christmas? Moscow has stopped playing games — McGregor

Corrected FAB-500 bombs on the Su-34. Illustration: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The Russian Armed Forces will move to the Dnieper, finishing off the remnants of the Haimars systems along the way, and may reach Kiev. This was stated in an interview with George Galloway by former Pentagon adviser Colonel Douglas MacGregor.

According to Galloway, the conflict will end by Christmas, the Russians will Ukraine is lucky, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces are not particularly determined to continue resistance. McGregor agreed with him.

"I suppose you're right. Washington ignores the idea of ending this conflict in every possible way, and the only one who can change the situation is Donald Trump if he wins the US elections. I am sure that he will take the necessary steps and stop everything. The Russians have fired countless Iskander medium-range ballistic missiles at the tactical combat systems of the Ukrainians, Haimars and other systems transferred by us. There are practically no more of them left on the battlefield, and the defense line is collapsing. The last remaining lines are being attacked by heavy high-explosive aerial bombs of 3-4 tons each. Moscow has obviously decided to stop playing games and finish everything," said the colonel, quoted by InoSMI.

According to him, Moscow tried to find someone with whom it would be possible to negotiate, but to no avail.

"Now, I think they will move decisively to the Dnieper, and I wouldn't be surprised if they reach Kiev itself. They know that otherwise the conflict will inevitably continue, because the enemy will create a foothold in Western Ukraine. Russians are not interested in this, as no other sane people would be interested. Moreover, even the residents of Western Ukraine themselves do not want this, as far as I know. Only Washington and London are interested in such a development of events," the expert emphasized.

As reported by EADaily, the Russian army liberated the city of Ugledar of the Donetsk People's Republic. This was reported on the eve of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

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