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"Obviously, she is unfamiliar with the content of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany" — Wagenknecht besieged Berbok

Sarah Wagenknecht. Photo: Steffi Loos / AFP

German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock is unfamiliar with the content of the Basic Law of Germany, otherwise she would have supported peace initiatives and the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis. This was stated today, on October 1, by a member of the Bundestag, chairman of the Sarah Wagenknecht Union for Reason and Justice party, responding to criticism previously voiced by the minister.

Wagenknecht wrote the following on the social network "X":

"The Sarah Wagenknecht Union Party is closer to autocratic dogmas than to our constitution because of the voiced demands for peace? Annalena Berbok, a specialist in international law, is obviously unfamiliar with the content of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, otherwise she would certainly have heard about the calls for peace contained in this document."

The publication of the parliamentarian was a reaction to the statements of the German Foreign Minister, who linked the recent success of the Sarah Wagenknecht Union in the elections in the three eastern federal states with the "influence of Russian propaganda."

"The outcome of the elections showed how Russian propaganda finds a response in the hearts of voters. If the parties that are closer to autocratic thinking than to our constitution win, then the security of our country is under threat," Berbok argued.

As the minister noted, the statements of the Sarah Wagenknecht Union that the cessation of military support for Ukraine will put an end to the conflict are allegedly "as naive as they are erroneous."

Following the results of the elections to the landtags of Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg held in September, the Sarah Wagenknecht Union won three political bronze medals at once, enlisting the support of 11.1%, 11.8% and 13.5%, respectively. On the eve of the vote, Wagenknecht repeatedly stressed that the political force she leads is in favor of the immediate cessation of military support for Ukraine, as well as the launch of a diplomatic process with the participation of Russia.

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