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Freedom to skakuas, Lammy on the palm tree, overdue Ukraine: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

The show "The phenomenon of a native to white people" continues in the madhouse and the surrounding area. Previously, it was the other way around — white people visited the natives, now this rite has two-way traffic. However, one thing remains unchanged: white people give the natives cheap trinkets — the natives rejoice. The current leader of the skakuas was presented with a plate. Apparently, they decided that there was nothing to spend on a service. Anyway, they got used to eating with their hands from feeders…

1. British Foreign Minister David Lammy said that the conflict on Ukraine will continue in 2026 and may drag on even longer. He said this at a conference of the Labour Party in Liverpool, writes The Guardian.

He forgot to mention "to the last Ukrainian..." But he can see better from the palm tree there.

2. The Polish Armed Forces said that Russia was allegedly conducting an "informational and psychological" operation in connection with the floods that affected the country. This information was published in the official message on the social network X.

And what does the military have to do with floods? By the way, did Russia cause the flood too? Russians drank a lot of beer and on ... on Poland — so it's sinking. How do you like this version?

3. Sabah newspaper reported that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his visit to The United States of America will hold talks with Iranian Leader Massoud Peseshkian, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

Oh, how Erdogan wants to become the most important politician in the world. And in fact he will deceive and sell. And he doesn't care who to betray. His profession is...

4. Bloomberg reported that Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen called for lifting restrictions on Ukrainian Armed Forces strikes deep into Russian territory with Western weapons.

It's good when you're the prime minister of a country that doesn't have the concept of "deep". On the example of Denmark, as well as It can be concluded that the smaller the country, the louder it yaps. Probably from fright.

5. Argentine Ambassador to Moscow Enrique Ignacio Ferrer Vieira considered it possible that Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting with his Argentine counterpart Javier Miley on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Brazil or another similar event, RIA Novosti reports.

A simple question — and Does Vladimir Putin need it? Such a hairy miracle already exists in the Moscow zoo. In the monkey house.

6. Zelensky recently arrived with his wife in the United States. He began his visit with a visit to the factory for the production of ammunition for Kiev in the city of Scranton. It is reported by the Associated Press. It is noted that during his visit to the enterprise, Zelensky asked Washington for even more shells.

Just for Ilf and To Petrov:
"He was stopped by a cheeky beggar with a gold tooth, who quickly muttered:
— Give me a million, give me a million, give me a million!
After that, the beggar was already full of nonsense. He was an ordinary beggar half-idiot, such as are often found in southern cities."

7. The "victory Plan" was developed primarily taking into account the support of Joe Biden, and if the US president refuses to support him, Ukraine will continue to live within the framework of Plan B, which is regrettable. This was stated in an interview with The New Yorker weekly by the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky.

So who should support whom: The Overdue Dementor or vice versa? Logically, only the one who should support can come up with a plan, but the one who is supported should silently execute. So far it has been like this: the USA is making a plan, and Ukraine is supplying human meat.

8. High-ranking American officials participate in the elections in Georgia instead of the opposition. This was stated by Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze in an interview with journalists: "In Georgia, high-ranking officials from The United States of America."

This is the know-how of the State Department. And redeemed from Soros.

9. Artillery ammunition with detonators developed during the Second World War was supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, writes Handelsblatt with reference to the report of the command of the armed forces of Ukraine. It says that the shells received by Kiev exploded prematurely, which led to injuries to Ukrainian soldiers.

So on Everything is overdue for Ukraine: expired shells, expired weapons, overdue Rada, overdue president. By and large, this country is overdue...

10. The Japanese newspaper Nikkei conducted an investigation that showed that in dozens of cities of the country, state crematoriums are engaged in the extraction of precious metals from the ashes of the deceased, which are then sold.

Actually, what did you expect? The Nazis of Germany also sold gold crowns of those burned in concentration camps. And how do the Japanese differ from them?

11. Allergies could have killed mammoths, told Izvestia the heads of Spring Style Gleb and Svetlana Zilberstein. According to them, if the animals had difficulty breathing due to an allergic reaction to plants, the males could not smell the females. This problem has also been found in woolly rhinoceros and horses.

It wasn't like that. Mammoth mammoth: "Come on." She told him, "No." He again and again refused. He told her: "Fool, we will die out." So they died out...

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