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Iran has sent more than 200 ballistic missiles to Russia — The Times

A missile launch during military exercises in southern Iran earlier this year. Illustration: Iranian Armed Forces / AR

Iran has sent more than 200 Fath-300 ballistic missiles to Russia, capable of reaching targets at a distance of up to 112 kilometers. This is reported by The Times, citing a source.

According to the source, the cargo was delivered on Wednesday by ship across the Caspian Sea. According to him, Iranian instructors will train the Russian military in missile control at the test site near Ashaluk in Astrakhan region.

"This can have a real impact on the course of hostilities in the east of Donbass. These are tactical missiles with a range of up to 120 km, so they will be used mainly for tactical purposes, but the Russians can still use them to attack cities such as Kharkiv and Sumy, as well as the rear areas of the Ukrainian army in the Donbass and the Dnieper," says a senior researcher at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Farzin Nadimi, quoted by the publication "Country".

These missiles, according to Nadimi, could open the way for the supply of longer-range Iranian missiles capable of traveling more than 500 km.

"They will be able to hit targets in western Ukraine," the expert believes.

As reported by EADaily, Iran's position on the conflict on Ukraine remains unchanged, Tehran refrains from providing military assistance to either side, the country's permanent mission to the UN said, CNN reported.

So, the diplomatic mission commented on the information of the channel's sources that the Iranian side recently handed over short-range ballistic missiles to Russia for use in combat operations on Ukraine.

"Iran considers it inhumane to provide military assistance to the parties involved in the conflict, which leads to an increase in human casualties, destruction of infrastructure and distance from ceasefire negotiations," the permanent mission said in a statement.

Recall, Iran has sent short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, The Wall Street Journal wrote on the eve, citing unnamed American and European officials.

Washington has informed its allies about Tehran's move in the last few days, sources told the WSJ. The exact type and number of missiles transferred to Moscow are not specified, the publication emphasized.

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