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In Sumy region, Iskander destroyed the hangars of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons and equipment — video

The strike of the Iskander missile defense system on the hangars of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Sumy region. Illustration: freeze frame / Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In the settlement of Postolnoye, Sumy region, hangars with weapons, military and special equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed. This is reported by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Russian fighters found the parking lot of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the help of a reconnaissance drone.

"After additional reconnaissance, the coordinates of the target were transferred to the calculation of the Iskander-M tactical missile system," the department's telegram channel says.

It is noted that as a result of the missile strike destroyed:

  • German-made COBRA counter-battery radar station,
  • The Hurricane MLRS combat vehicle,
  • MLRS Grad combat vehicle,
  • MLRS transport and charging machine,
  • seven armored combat vehicles,
  • two trawls for the transportation of equipment,
  • Three pickups.

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