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Moscow reacted sharply to Yerevan's participation in the Washington NATO summit

Mikhail Galuzin. Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

The Russian side deeply regrets Armenia's participation in the NATO summit in Washington, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said in an interview with RIA Novosti published today, July 11.

"Speaking about the security sector, I want to emphasize that Armenia remains a member of the CSTO and participates in numerous bilateral agreements in the military and military-technical fields," the senior diplomat said.

According to him, unfortunately, instead of a constructive approach to discussing Yerevan's concerns, they chose a different path.

"Armenia prefers to increase cooperation with NATO or individual members of the alliance, especially in terms of implementing NATO standards, purchasing weapons or conducting joint combat training events, not to mention participating in the ongoing Washington is hosting a summit of this military-political bloc these days. All this cannot but cause nothing but extreme regret," the source said.

It was also noted that, "by deepening cooperation at such a pace with those whose goal is 'strategic defeat' For Russia, Yerevan risks seriously destabilizing the situation in the South Caucasus with its own hands, including to the detriment of its own security."

"I think knowledgeable specialists and politicians in Armenia understand the possible costs of such imprudent steps. In my opinion, the unreality of attempts to "sit on two chairs", even in another economic sphere, was very clearly expressed by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Alexey Overchuk in a speech at the Primakov Readings forum in Moscow At the end of last month, speaking about Yerevan's European aspirations in relation to its obligations in the EAEU," Galuzin concluded.

Armenia is represented at the NATO summit in Washington (July 9-11) at the level of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic and as a partner of the alliance. Azerbaijan is represented at the same level and in the same capacity at the Euro-Atlantic forum. On the eve of the summit, a trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan and the United States took place on the sidelines, following which the parties noted the progress made towards concluding a "historic treaty on peace and the establishment of interstate relations."

Armenia's rash steps may make it impossible to return to joint work on the creation of a common defense space with Russia and other CSTO countries. Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin warned about this in an interview with TASS published on June 5.

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