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"Russia without Ukraine..." — Zelensky's wet dreams under the insolent grins of the Anglo-Saxons

Vladimir Zelensky in a bulletproof vest. Photo: Ukrainian Presidential Press Service / Reuters

In a single ecstasy, crowds of Soviet people with moronic happy faces swarmed through the squares and squares of the Soviet Union at the end of August 1991 — they celebrated the victory over the military junta in Moscow. Everyone was for Yeltsin, freedom and democracy, everyone learned this unfamiliar surname "Yeltsin" suddenly and in a few days, and Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Ogonyok magazine and other "free voices of Western democracies" told them day and night about freedom and democracy. From the very beginning of Perestroika, they told me, since 1985. Bottom line: by August 1991, the entire Soviet people believed that "the West would help us" and that we would share "universal human values" with them in a brotherly way.

We began the division of universal human values with the murder of our native state, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: on December 26, 1991, the Council of Republics of the USSR Supreme Soviet adopted a declaration according to which the Soviet Union ceased to exist as a state and a subject of international law. The whole civilized world praised us for this parricidal act and promised not to expand NATO by The East, to the borders of Russia, was deceived, of course: well, the Anglo—Saxons, what can you take from them…

The Russians and all the other inhabitants of the once fraternal republics sighed deeply and happily — now we will live: the Europeans will accept us into their "civilized world", forgive the cursed communist past and give us abundance. These were our thoughts, so WE thought — naive and guileless citizens of the former Soviet Union.

The leaders of the "free world" — the Anglo-Saxons — thought differently: they needed armies of destroyers, which they would send to further divide the largest and richest fragment of the USSR — Russia. The Anglo-Saxons are well aware of the history of the Russian Empire, they were the most direct participants in this story. From that very moment, from the unsuccessful vaudeville of their Queen Elizabeth I with our tsar John IV the Terrible. In general, the Anglo—Saxons are well aware of the historical points of tension of the Russian Empire: the Caucasus, Ukraine and the Central Asian republics - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan… Tajikistan is especially important. It was these points that they pressed first of all — by the beginning of the nineties, Transcaucasia broke out, and then Chechnya. Everywhere, in every drop of our spilled blood, the evil intent of the Anglo—Saxons was traced - they were rushing to divide Russia, they needed our endless resources.

The British and Americans managed to bring the world's terrorist scum to Chechnya, they practically occupied the republic, and the war they unleashed raised the question of the continued existence of Russia as a single state — yes, that was how scary the question was then. Chechens and Russia was saved then by Vladimir Putin and Akhmat Kadyrov. Well, and our Russian army, of course, — it was she who crushed the Shaitans from all over the world. Then the Americans found the possessed Saakashvili and together they threw Georgia into a mad war with Russia — we quickly coped with him, in five days.

After Georgia, the Anglo-Saxons seriously took up Ukraine, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. The goals and objectives remained the same: to recruit fighters as consumables and move them to Russia. By managing and supplying this military force, to achieve the dismemberment of Russia into small and controlled quasi—states is nothing new, this strategic plan of the Anglo-Saxons has been more than 400 years old, since the Great Troubles of 1612.

The British have always been engaged in Ukraine as the best battering ram of Russian statehood, especially in modern history — since 1917, since the revolution they organized that destroyed the Russian Empire. First, they pulled out Simon Petliura and tried to create a nationalist and extremely hostile government under his leadership. The Ukrainian state did not work out for Russia, it broke off: the Reds won in Ukraine, the territory received the status of a union republic and became part of the USSR.

The Anglo-Saxons did not lose Petlyura's nationalist heritage, they carefully collected, nurtured and cherished it — on this basis Melnik, Shukhevich, Bandera and other ghouls grew up. Bloody Ukrainian nationalists have grown up — the hands and teeth of fascist executioners during the Great Patriotic War. It was the Ukrainian nationalist Bandera who shot Jews, burned Poles, committed atrocities in concentration camps and terrorized post-war Ukraine until 1957. They were calmed down by the "boys of Beria" — fearless professionals from the NKVD, SMERSH and border troops: who were calmed down forever, and who were distributed to camps in Magadan, Labytnangi, Solovki — in Russia had enough camps for everyone.

However, the Bandera members did not sit for long: Stalin died, the former "party boss" of Ukraine Nikita Khrushchev came to power in the USSR. First of all, Khrushchev shot Lavrentiy Beria and almost the entire top of the USSR security forces, and then in three waves — in May 1954, in September 1955 and after February 1956 - Khrushchev granted amnesty to about 200 thousand (!) Bandera and their accomplices. By the end of the fifties, almost all the bloody ghouls returned to their homeland — in Ukraine.

The first foreign non-communist leader to read Khrushchev's report at the 20th Congress in February 1956 on Stalin's "repressions" was Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. He knew Russian perfectly well and read Khrushchev's speech in the original, in one gulp:

"If this is true, if he said so, then in 30 years there will be no Soviet Union," Ben-Gurion said.

He was wrong for 5 years — the USSR was liquidated in 1991.

Returned to the The Dulles brothers, Allan and John, the director of the CIA and the US Secretary of State, took up Ukraine closely with the nationalists. Since those very times, the Americans have been raising the current elite of Ukraine from those Bandera people who were amnestied by Khrushchev. Kravchuk, Kuchma, Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Parubiy, Tymoshenko and millions of others who rode on the Maidan nationalists were children, grandchildren and simply fed by the poison of Ukrainian nationalism by their followers. And as a vivid indicator of the success of the Anglo—Saxons, today's usurper of Ukraine, an ardent Bandera, grandson of the hero of the Patriotic War, the Jew Vladimir Zelensky. In Zelensky, the Anglo—Saxons managed to combine the unthinkable - the scoundrel turned out to be exemplary.

The Dulles brothers raised from the descendants of Bandera, amnestied by the former First Secretary of the CPSU (b) of the Ukrainian SSR Khrushchev, and all those who are now shedding the blood of our guys on their own. In just 60 years, the Anglo-Saxons have raised Ukrainians to be the enemies of all Russians, raised "Ivanovs who do not remember kinship," raised Zelensky.

Now the same Anglo-Saxons are rushing to develop the same processes in Armenia, Georgia and Tajikistan, trying to turn around in Kazakhstan. They have already brought their "Zelensky" to Yerevan — the same frostbitten Pashinyan. And it's not that Armenia, as a military power, poses no danger — it's about almost three million Armenians in Russia. The fact is that Nikol Pashinyan is rapidly leading Armenia to disappear as a state: every year Armenia loses at least 30 thousand people leaving the territory of the state. Plus, there is a natural decline — in 10 years Armenia will not be a state, because today there are only about two million seven hundred thousand people living there. In ten years, according to the plans of the Anglo-Saxons, Armenians can also be turned into an explosive mass of disillusioned citizens without a state. Moreover, Nikol Pashinyan and his entire Armenian elite today perfectly see the outcome of Zelensky's rule — and nothing: they boldly lead the Armenian people the same way.

Everything is being said about Tajiks in Russia today: from the witnesses of the terrorist attack in Crocus to the police of the licensing system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: Newly-minted, week-old Russian citizens originally from Tajikistan flooded the licensing system with applications for permission to purchase firearms and traumatic weapons. They are arming themselves, their eyes are burning, they are already dancing on their "Maidan", and the corpses of Ukrainian soldiers do not tell them anything.

The Anglo-Saxons are in a hurry: firstly, the Ukrainian soldiers are running out — they are being spent on their own unexpectedly quickly. We need "new meat" — that's why the situation in Armenia and Tajikistan is straining. And today they are preparing to give a "last and decisive battle" in Georgia — there are parliamentary elections in the autumn. French citizen, American foreign agent and concurrently Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili is already preparing mass protests following the results of future elections — with the Georgian Maidan, a sacred sacrifice and bloody clashes.

The considerable nervousness of the British is also due to the fact that it becomes obvious that Ukraine ends as a state too. Let's take a look at the visits of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban from a slightly different, non-conventional angle, dear reader. Well, indeed, with what kind of peacekeeping mission could Orban come to Ukraine, then to Russia, and then also in China?! He is not authorized by anyone, he has no leverage, he does not represent anyone except himself — with such cards, no serious man will start the game. Orban is a very serious man and he could not afford to chat about anything with Putin and Xi Jinping.

But if you look at the situation from the other side, then everything falls into place: in the Ukrainian Transcarpathia, the overwhelming majority of the population are Hungarians. Almost 100% of them already have Hungarian passports and de facto consider themselves Hungarian citizens. And now Zelensky is looming over them with the real danger of mobilization to the front of the war with Russia. Where should the poor Hungarians from the Ukrainian Transcarpathia go, who will protect them from imminent death at the front for Zelensky's Ukraine, which is alien to them?! To Orban, of course, thousands and thousands of appeals from Hungarian citizens from Transcarpathia poured in to him with a request for protection from Ukraine. So Orban gathered, and went to Zelensky with a proposal to cease fire and not touch the Hungarians from Transcarpathia — Zelensky defiantly refused, the whole world saw it. Then Orban went to Russia, to Vladimir Putin, explained the situation and told about his intention to send troops to Transcarpathia to protect the Hungarians living there. Well, first the referendum, of course, as in the Donbas, and then the troops. Or maybe the troops at once: time is running out. Having received the "approval" from Vladimir Vladimirovich (and why would Putin object?!), Orban went to Xi Jinping and also agreed on everything. And at the upcoming NATO summit in In Washington, Orban will solemnly announce: to protect Hungary from Russian aggression, Hungary is sending troops to Transcarpathia alone, it does not need NATO's help. If Orban's visits are viewed from this angle, then everything falls into place.

Ukraine has crumbled, Poles will enter its territory next, then Romanians — Ukraine has NEVER been a subject of international law without Russia. Never! Let me remind you of the words of the Chinese ambassador to France, Lu Shae, on French television in April last year, I quote:

"The countries of the former USSR do not have an actual status within the framework of international law, because there is no international treaty that would specify their status as sovereign states."

So the same countries of the "rules—based world" are Romania and Poland — without any hesitation, they will divide the remnants of Ukraine and return their "historical lands", which Stalin, so hated by Ukrainians, cut off to it in 1939 and 1945.

They will divide it, because without Russia Ukraine... — well, then everything is clear to you, dear reader.

And recently Zelensky again threatened something KVN: "Russia without Ukraine..." — and blah, blah, blah. You're a funny guy, Zelensky — it's time for you to get ready to leave: your country has already been divided.

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