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After the termination of importation from Russian timber prices have jumped in Finland

There is not enough wood for everyone. Illustration: Freeze frame / MTV News

There may not be enough wood in Finland for everyone and for all needs, local forest products must be processed further. This was stated by the researcher of the project in The University of Eastern Finland, Jacob Donner-Amnell, reports MTV News.

Roundwood in Finland is now traded at historically high prices, due to high demand for wood due to large investments in the forest sector and the cessation of imports from Of Russia.

"It's possible that the higher price level is relatively constant, and that could have a lot of consequences," Donner-Amnell told MTV News.

In recent years, the forestry sector has invested heavily in Finland. The researcher warns that there may not be enough wood for everyone.

"For some reason, the forestry industry itself and society as a whole are not ready to admit that now we have a completely different situation with the sufficiency of forests. The forest policy has been set up in such a way as to provide enough wood to meet all the different needs, such as raw materials, sinks, nature conservation, recreation and a little bit of everything. And it seemed like that for quite a long time," says Donner-Amnell.

It is noted that the industry commented on the price increase cautiously.

"You can't predict it. The operating environment we live in is so unpredictable that the price level is currently high. I am not worried about the sufficiency of wood in Finland. Indeed, our forest resources are strong and forest growth is at a good level," Stora Enso Regional President Heidi Hyamalyainen assured, in turn.

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