Moldovan President Igor Dodon has announced that he never changed his mind about the status of Transnistria. The president said that even while being the leader of the Socialist Party, he always spoke for federalization of the republic.
“We have never changed this position. We did say it was not important how they would call it, federation or a special status. It is important for us what is inside this political part of the solution. And we came forward with a proposal on the solution. If our colleagues, partners from the left bank agree this will be good,” Dodon said.
▼ читать продолжение новости ▼According to Moldova’s leader, “Transnistrian residents do comprehend that they have no other future than a common one with Moldova.” According to the president, Tiraspol are coming to the same idea.
“The way how they agreed to the procedure of legalizing the post-graduate certificates from the left bank, they recognize that they are a part of the Moldovan state. … I am grateful to Vadim Krasnoselsky that he finally started taking actions. It is a step towards Moldova’s unification,” Dodon said.
▼ читать продолжение новости ▼“Most citizens doo want it, I am sure,” Igor Dodon concluded.
On November 25, political representatives of Chisinau and Tiraspol signed four agreements: Moldova recognizes Transnistrian post-graduate certificates, the communications issue, functioning of schools with Romanian as the language of teaching in Transnistria, access of Moldovan land users to lands in Dubăsari.
Later, at a meeting in Vienna on November 27-28, the parties came back to discussing a number of unresolved issues of the bilateral relations. One of them is access to international roads of the transport registered in Transnistria. After the meeting, Moldova and Transnistria confirmed their readiness to coordinate and sign an agreement on it by the end of February 2018.