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Naftogaz again blames Gazprom for failing to implement its commitments

Naftogaz accuses Gazprom of failing to fulfil the gas transit contract commitments. The Ukrainian company reported today, on October 26, “Gazprom still fails to implement its technical commitments under the contract on transit of gas from Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC and fails to ensure gas pressure on gas pipelines at the entry point Sudzha gas metering station on the Russian-Ukrainian border.”

Referring to Ukrtransgaz PJSC, Naftogaz says, “since the beginning of the year, violations of contract terms related to gas pressure (60-65kgf/cm2) were registered within 259 days (88%) at the entry point Sudzha gas metering station of transit pipelines to Ukraine’s gas transmission network. The pressure totals 55.8 kgf/cm2 (versus 60kgf/cm2 specified in the contract).”

“Emergency situations on Russia’s main gas pipelines and Gazprom’s failure to ensure the contract-specified pressure on the Russian part of the system arouses concern about feasibility of gas transit from the Russian Federation this winter,” the Ukrainian company says.

European Commission’s Permanent Monitoring Group has already been informed about “systematic violations of Gazprom’s commitments under the natural gas transit contract via the territory of Ukraine.”

For 9 months of 2017, more than 70 billion cubic meters of Russian gas were transited to EU and Moldova via Ukraine, Naftogaz reported adding that transit volumes are at “the maximum level within last nine years.”

Earlier, Naftogaz reported about low pressure of gas in Russian gas transportation network at the entry point into Ukraine.

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