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Defense Minister of Armenia: After Baku’s aggression, we will not cede even an inch of land

After Azerbaijan’s aggression in the Karabakh conflict zone, we will not cede even an inch of land, Defense Minister of Armenia Seyran Ohanyan told journalists on April 24.

To resolve the Karabakh conflict, he said, certain conditions, atmosphere of confidence are needed. “In such a situation, ceding even an inch of land is out of question,” he said. The minister added that it is necessary to achieve mutual consent to settle the issue.

As for the increased tension in the conflict zone on the night to April 24, the minister said such tensions are a usual thing for such special days, as the adversary is trying to test the vigilance of the other side.

The minister said the Armenian forces have the situation under control. “The frontline units are on their positions, have the situation under control, and ready for any developments.”

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