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Armenia asks Russia to speed up signing of contracts on Russian arms deliveries

Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan asked Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to instruct the Russian military authorities to speed up the signing of the contracts on Russian arms deliveries.

“We are grateful to Russia for its state export loan. This money will help us to buy military products for our needs. But some points of the agreement have not yet been fulfilled. So, I would like to ask you to instruct Rosoboronexport to speed up the signing of relevant contracts,” Abrahamyan said, while meeting with Medvedev in Yerevan.

As EADaily reported earlier, in Feb 2016 the Armenian and Russian governments agreed that Russia would lend Armenia $200mn for 10 years for Armenia to be able to pay for Russian arms: Smerch rocket launching systems, IGLA-S air defense missile systems, Avtobaza-M radar jamming systems, TOS-1A flamethrower systems, 9М113М rockets, RPG-26 grenade launchers, Dragunov sniper rifles and Tiger armored cars.

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