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Interstate Aviation Committee: All the systems of the plane that crashed in Rostov-on-Don were operative

The Interstate Aviation Committee has detected no defects in the work of Boeing 737-800, which crashed in Rostov-on-Don on Mar 19. The committee together with specialists from the United Arab Emirates and the United States continues to investigate into the accident.

The airborne recorders report no technical problems. The plane was certified and was operative at the moment.

The committee is going to examine the systems of the plane and has asked Boeing to inform it about the plane’s technical capacities and about all similar incidents that have been registered so far.

As EADaily reported earlier, on Mar 19 FlyDubai’s Boeing 737-800 was flying from Dubai to Rostov-on-Don. It was trying to land but crashed. All the 62 people onboard were killed. The key leads are the pilot’s mistake or a technical problem. They in FlyDubai say that the plane was operative and was operated by well-trained pilots.

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