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Russia will assist Tajikistan through arms supply

Russia will keep helping the army of Tajikistan supplying arms and equipment in view of the threats emerging from Afghanistan, Anatoly Antonov, Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, said at a meeting with Defense Minister of Tajikistan Sherali Mirzo in Dushanbe.

Antonov said Russia assigns a priority to developing the military and military-technical cooperation with Tajikistan, the Russian Defense Ministry press-office reports.

“We believe that the higher is the security of Tajikistan the better is the security of the Russian Federation,” Antonov said.

He said that 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan is the stronghold of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Central Asia and its power and capacities will be used to defend the national integrity and sovereignty of Tajikistan and the CSTO, in general.

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