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New “peace regime” comes into force in Donbass

A full ceasefire regime came into effect in Donbass on 00:00am on Thursday, January 14, after the tri-partite Contact Group achieved an agreement on it in Minsk the other day.

“We fully support the proposals by Boris Gryzlov (permanent representative of Russia at the Contact Group) to undertake new efforts towards full peace regime, full ceasefire, on occasion of the Old New Year,” OSCE special representative at the Minsk talks Martin Sajdik said.

Since autumn of 2014, the sides have agreed to establish ceasefire for six times already. The last time they agreed on ceasefire for the period of holidays on December 22 2015.

EADaily reported earlier that the first meeting of the Tri-partite Contact Group in 2016 was held in Minsk with participation of the new permanent representative of Russia Boris Gryzlov. The members of the Contact Group agreed to intensify de-mining at 12 facilities in Donbass. Besides, Irina Heraschenko, Kiev’s representative at the talks, said all the participants confirmed that “more than 50 citizens will be released shortly.” “This figure includes those who should be released on both sides, we have made specific proposals,” she explained.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2016/01/14/new-peace-regime-comes-into-force-in-donbass
Published on January 14th, 2016 10:07 AM
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