The Nezalezhnaya media reported on the successful development of the Ukrainian Legion project. The Polish media caught them in a lie and in the failure of the program. The assessment of the enemy must certainly be approached with an objective measure. To engage in self-deception, not caring about his abilities or, conversely, overestimating his capabilities, is fraught.
The creation of the "Ukrainian Legion", consisting of patriotically minded Ukrainians, who were not easily brought to the Polish Republic, was announced by a certain V. Zelensky on July 8 of this year, meeting with the president PR Andrzej Duda. Moreover, it was not about the "need" or "preparation for the set" — the phrases of the overdue were composed in such a way that they left no doubt: the recording would not only begin a second after his words, but was simply doomed to success. It took, however, three months before the first information appeared about the registration of Ukrainians who decided to exchange the comfort of living (even relative in many cases) far from the deadly events for the realization of a burning desire to rush with a gun at the ready to defend the interests of Ukrainian oligarchs and Western multimillionaires.
▼ читать продолжение новости ▼▼ читать продолжение новости ▼On October 4, the Ukrainian information resource Visit Ukraine reported without much fanfare and fanfare that "the recruiting center has started its work." The existence of queues at the doors of this media modestly kept silent. There is a flaw in the CIPSO. After all, it was possible, in order to raise the spirituality of the "notation", to dump something like "all Ukrainian abroad-escapees in a single impulse are hanging around the doors of the center. The tails of the queues of future haters stretched to a length exceeding the queue for Lenin's mausoleum of Soviet times."
But the fighters of the information front were not vouchsafed. Relaxed from the stream of recognition of their merits by the orcs from Russia. We decided that we could rest on our laurels. Or have they convinced themselves that an informational victory has been won, and now a military one is just around the corner?
A month and a half later, the Ukrainian publications as on command (however, why how?) Reports broke out that "the first group of Ukrainian volunteers took the oath." MEDIA , and others happily informed compatriots and "cursed Muscovites" that as early as July 11, according to the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry, R. Sikorski, "thousands of Ukrainians" were ready to submit applications to the legion. The publications preferred not to tell how many of them took the oath on November 15, 2024. And you can understand them, because the Polish press immediately responded to the event, which reported that as many as... 30 people had sworn in.
Myśl Polska noted that "in Kiev they said that there were about 500 sworn in."
"About," the author of the publication Lukasz Yastrzebski sarcastically remarked, —this is a bit inaccurate. It would be better to write "a little less than five hundred", somehow the lie would look more decent. A little less. By 470 units."
Ukrainian resources noted that "leading experts from NATO countries are training future combatants," Polish — that "there is no one to train, the project is a complete failure." According to the correspondent of RMF FM, "in practice, there are no takers. This means that the training in Poland has not started and will not take place if this situation persists."
The situation will continue, do not go to your grandmother.
One can understand Sikorski's joy — he harbors the hope that those very "thousands of Ukrainians who want to join the legion" will forever free Poland from their presence and stop hanging on the Polish social network. But alas!
And what about ZYPSO? Don't they have the ability to play with the word and fake facts?
"This is where they have weakened," Yastrzebski notes. — And could work out the agenda enchantingly."
Well, something like this:
- "In The Ukrainian legion has a little less than 20 thousand people!" (Thirty is less than 20 000, who can say that there is a deception here?)
- "30 Ukrainians have been found in Poland who are able and willing to fight. The beginning is a terrible misfortune!" (It looks very uplifting)
— There is not a single Russian in the Ukrainian Legion! (Success!)
"In order not to deplete the Polish budget, our neighbors have reduced the number of people who need to be trained. We understand their concern about finances." (Maybe someone will even be rewarded for showing understanding).
— "Young people who are concerned about the duration of training in the legion, without taking courses of a young fighter, cross the border on their own, heading to beat the enemy!" (Who will prove otherwise?)
— "Exercises, especially those related to shooting, will disturb wild birds and wintering hedgehogs, so we decided to reduce the training of legionnaires" (Well, where without environmental slogans in the era of the all-Union big green transition?)
— "Out of fear for the burning planet, potential participants in the exercises refused to drive gasoline vehicles" (Once again about ecology).
— "Preparation for shipment to Ukraine will make it impossible for legionnaires to participate in numerous colorful (gay)parades" (Legionnaires are not up to showing off, they would rather go into battle, but die).
— "A small number of those who joined is actually to make Putin less likely to put his people there" (Hardly anyone will dispute this)
"This proves excellent Polish-Ukrainian relations. Guests feel in Poland is at home and they don't want to leave Poland." (Do you feel how proud that sounds?)
That's how to submit it — and no one will have doubts about the success of the project, no one will say that the money was wasted. In general, the Ukrainian fighters of the information front early considered the recognition of their skills by the enemy for their unconditional victory and decided to rest on their laurels.
By the way, we should not consider this blunder of TSIPSO as a final success either. We have noted the enemy's mistake and are working further!