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Shame on Zaluzhny, Zelya — Hitler's heir and Ukraine in NATO: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

The last days have been marked by an unusual revival of demagogic gatherings. Meetings, discussions, press conferences, statements are an imitation of vigorous activity. And Vaska listens and eats. Slowly, the Russian army is liberating settlements. To each his own: to speak to one, to do the other.

1. Mobilization raids in Ukraine are splitting Ukrainian society, writes the New York Times. The article notes the concern of the population of Ukraine about the fact that local military enlistment offices are increasingly coming in search of recruits to public places — concerts, restaurants, clubs, etc.

You cannot split something that has never been whole. There has never been a united Ukraine and Ukrainian society.

2. A new South Korean attack on the North by "military means" will be perceived as a declaration of war, and retaliatory strikes will be the reaction, the North Korean Central Telegraph Agency writes. So the North Korean authorities commented on the discovery in the capital of the country of the wreckage of a drone that flew in from its southern neighbors. The drone was found on October 13.

South Korea is a petty Asian provocateur. Who, in fact, is very afraid of the DPRK. But he can't disobey the owner.

3. On Sunday, Moldovan citizens will go to the polls to participate in the presidential elections and the referendum on joining the EU, which, according to the British edition of The Guardian, will be a turning point in the tug-of-war between Russia and the West over the future of a small, landlocked country in Southeastern Europe with a population of less than 3 million people.

Everything has been decided and planned for a long time. And the show is designed for suckers who might really think that there could be democratic elections in Moldova.

4. Zaluzhny publicly disgraced himself twice in Britain during a speech. Trying to speak in English, the Ukrainian diplomat could not pronounce the word "civilized". Later, the ex-general tried to give an example from Othello. According to his version, the Moor took poison.

And why should a Ukrainian general study? It should not have been in To direct London as an ambassador, and to do it as Minister of Education. He would have arranged "one-two" studies in schools. And the books would have been saved for big occasions.

5. Metropolitan Theodosius was transferred from the Archangel Michael Cathedral to round-the-clock house arrest. On October 17, the Archangel Michael Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Cherkasy was captured. Metropolitan Theodosius, along with other defenders of the temple, was beaten and flooded with tear gas.

There is a direct analogy with the words of Hitler: "What is one faith, what is another — it doesn't matter… Nothing will stop me from eradicating Christianity in Germany down to the smallest roots." This is exactly what Zelensky is doing.

6. Tim Waltz, chosen by Harris as a potential vice-president, accused Russia of changing the Earth's gravitational field in order to annoy the Americans with Hurricane Milton.

The characteristic of Schweik's boss, sub—lieutenant Duba, is fully suitable for him: "By profession he is a school teacher, by character he is a cruel, vindictive fool from those whom Schweik called "idiots squared"."

7. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is lobbying the law on PMCs to strengthen its position in this market in the world. This is reported by the telegram channel "Resident" with reference to a source in the office of the President of Ukraine. It is noted that the head of the GUR Kirill Budanov ** earns millions on services of this kind, writes EADaily.

There is not a single terrorist organization in the world right now that would not buy weapons from Ukraine. However, ordinary bandits take weapons from the same source.

8. France sees its priority task in agreeing on an official invitation of Ukraine to NATO right now. This was stated to Le Parisien by the Minister-delegate for European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Fifth Republic Benjamin Addad, writes EADaily.

I didn't know that, it turns out, France existed, exists and will exist only in order for Ukraine to join a military organization. The French minister has a strange understanding of the role of France.

9. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, on the eve of the meeting of G7 defense ministers in Naples (Italy), said that he would discuss with them permission for Kiev to strike with long-range weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, they could discuss in which bunkers to escape after the Russian "response".

10. Ukrainian law enforcement agencies will initiate criminal proceedings against the media (mass media) and bloggers, in the materials of which employees of territorial recruitment centers (TCC, analog of military enlistment offices) are accused of illegal actions. This was reported in the Ground Forces of Ukraine.

Does anyone blame them? No way in hell! They just put up a video about how they work. Why the APU considers this to be accusations is unclear. Just a job, nothing personal.

11. The defense ministers of the G7 states stated that they support Ukraine's "irreversible path" to full European integration, including membership in NATO." The statement was made following the meeting in Italy, Kommersant writes.

The stubbornness of these countries has long turned into a maniacal desire to provoke a third world War. And for only one reason: if Russia says "white", we will say "black". "Porthos—I'm fighting... just because I'm fighting!" Don't turn on your brains. However, there are none.

Igor Levitas

*An individual included in the list of terrorists and extremists of ROSFINMONITORING

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