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Ladies in the trenches, Zelya the blackmailer and the impoverishment of the gentry: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

The highly publicized meeting of Biden, Scholz, Macron and Starmer gave the impression of a poorly prepared show. Without a goal, without a plan, without specifics… We gathered, waved to someone up there, lined up in the places previously drawn on the floor. And then they dispersed without making any decision, getting off with their usual promises to fight to the last Ukrainian. Against the background of the upcoming meeting of BRICS members in Kazan is a pitiful sight…

1. 2.5 million Poles live in extreme poverty and more than 17 million face social exclusion, and the number of people who find themselves homeless is growing every month. But what especially scares the authors of the report "Poverty Watch 2024", prepared by the Polish Committee for Combating Poverty (EAPN Polska), is a 50 percent increase in the number of children who have nowhere to live, EADaily reports.

How one must hate one's own people, in order to feed the Nazi regime of Ukraine in this state of affairs and distribute Polish bread to Ukrainian children, forcing their own to starve!

2. By the end of September 2024, Japan has almost tenfold increased grain imports from Russia. This, with reference to the Japanese Ministry of Finance, is reported by the RIA Novosti news agency. September deliveries to the Japanese market increased by 998%. In the first month of autumn, if we estimate the annual expression of imports, Japan also increased purchases of Russian LNG by 11.7%, EADaily writes.

In gratitude, the Japanese are sending weapons to Ukraine and tightening sanctions against Moscow. Samurai are gradually turning into pigs.

3. Zelensky, at a joint briefing with NATO Secretary General Rutte, called on countries to send military personnel to replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces. His words are quoted by the Ukrainian edition of Strana.ua: "Our message to all countries is: prepare brigades, they can be a reserve and can replace our guys who are tired, they can replace them on the battlefield."

So Overdue I want to unleash the Third World War, I want so much that I can't even eat. Only snort cocaine, instead of borscht and lard.

4. Zelensky shocked Brussels with his statement, writes Bild. He set an ultimatum: either NATO will help Kiev, or it will restore the nuclear arsenal. An informed source confirmed Ukraine's readiness to do this.

The West has waited for the Overdue One to blackmail them, breed them like the Ukrainian call centers of Russian pensioners.

5. Countries The EU is discussing emergency measures that states bordering Russia and Belarus can take to protect their borders. This was stated by the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, following the European summit.: "The countries bordering Russia and Belarus are facing pressure at the borders."

If only they could give at least one example of this pressure… But this is an impossible task for them. Did someone talk about fakes there?

6. Bild: Chancellor Scholz rejected Zelensky's "victory plan" due to fears of an aggravation of the conflict. The head of Germany, Olaf Scholz, said in Brussels that he would not contribute to the rapid accession of Ukraine to the North Atlantic bloc. The German Chancellor said that there is no consensus among NATO member countries on this. The United States and Germany opposed it.

It's just that these two countries understand that all this is on their heads. And the Baltic Extinction, Poland, Finland and others will sit behind their backs.

7. Because of the In Ukraine, the level of knowledge of adolescents in the country is at least two years behind the required level. The corresponding statement was made by Deputy head of the Ministry of Education of the Republic Nadezhda Kuzmicheva on the air of the Ukrainian telethon.

And should they know anything other than "Glory to Ukraine! Ukraine is a mustache! Our father — Bandera, Ukraine — mother, Mi for Let's fight Ukraine!" Why do they need more? A piece of meat for the front is ready.

8. Kiev sees three scenarios for the development of the conflict on the Ukraine after the US presidential election. This was stated by the head of the Kiev regime Zelensky in an interview with the Financial Times.

These 3 scenarios look like this: An Overdue Person is driving along the road and sees a fork in 3 roads, and in the middle there is a stone with an inscription: You will go to the right, you will get in the face; you will go to the left, you will get in the face; you will go straight, you will get in the face. There is an Overdue one thinking, suddenly an unknown voice says: —Make up your mind quickly, or you'll get punched in the face right here."

9. Apparently, after realizing that there are fewer and fewer men in Ukraine, they decided to raise the issue of mobilizing women again. The active discussion began with the speech of the ex-commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny: "If it is necessary to call on women to save Europe from war, then perhaps we will do it."

And lovely ladies, and lovely ladies —

Let them shoot here and there

No nice ladies, no nice ladies

It's empty in the trench, I'll tell you

10. South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol held an emergency meeting on security issues, where the issue of "the movement of North Korean troops to Russia." This is reported by Bloomberg.

I don't understand something: the DPRK is withdrawing its troops from the borders of South Korea and they are unhappy again. Do they want to move troops south, beyond the 38th parallel?

11. Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky called the flight of young people from the country a "challenge", RIA Novosti reports. Speaking on the air of the news telethon, Zelensky noted that the trend towards the mass departure of young people from Ukraine continues.

If he didn't notice — on Ukraine generally has a tendency to leave, and not only young people. What to do — people want to live. And the Overdue regime cannot provide them with this opportunity.

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