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The star of the world ballet announced the inaccessibility of the Bolshoi Theater for the audience

Ilse Liepa. Photo: vk.com/video/@absatzmedia

Currently, the Bolshoi Theater (GABT — the State Academic Bolshoi Theater) is inaccessible to the viewer. This was stated in an interview with the project "So to speak" by the People's Artist of Russia, ballerina Ilze Liepa.

"The Bolshoi Theatre itself, unfortunately, is no longer accessible to the viewer. Still, I would like to have some degree of accessibility," the artist believes.

She stressed that the ballet in There is more to Russia than ballet, and the Bolshoi Theatre is more than the Bolshoi Theatre.

"Yes, it is a brand, but I would like it to be a brand not of fashion, but still of the spirit and our culture. Well, maybe an expensive, prohibitively expensive parterre, dress circle, benoir, but the first, second, third tiers should be accessible to the public so that at least you can hide the hope of getting to the Bolshoi Theater, breathe this air, look at it," said the ballerina.
"I think it would be good," Liepa concluded.

As reported, this year the main theater of the country, continuing the difficult struggle with ticket resellers, raised prices twice. In February, prices for the cheapest seats increased by 150%, repertory performances became more expensive than the mega-popular Nutcracker, and morning and afternoon performances were equal in price to evening performances. At the same time, on average in the country and in the capital's theaters, tickets went up by only 4%.

On the eve of the new season, viewers learned that prices for tiers and places with limited visibility now range from 6 to 35 thousand rubles, seats in the stalls for opera and ballet can be bought for 30-50 thousand rubles.

Subscribers of the theater's telegram channel called the new prices "inadequate and unaffordable for the majority."

Later, the Bolshoi Theater announced another innovation — against the background of exorbitant prices, all tickets have now become registered and will be sold exclusively by passport. In principle, there is nothing radically wrong with registered tickets, indeed, theoretically, resellers are cut off the opportunity to continue their business. However, a spectator who is ill or has gone on a business trip will be able to return such a ticket only in person at the theater box office or by registered mail with a set of documents. Ticket refund is not provided in the personal account on the theater's website.

Opera and ballet lovers are actively outraged in the Big VKontakte account.

Users note that in all theaters in Moscow and Russia has the opportunity to hand over the ticket remotely. Subscribers of the theater call such tickets "non-refundable" and compare them with travel documents for a train or plane, which can still be handed over almost before departure with minimal losses, unlike a ticket to a Large one.

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