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Democrats are panicking: Trump has gone on the offensive

Kamala Harris, Donald Trump. Illustration: Brendan SMIALOWSKI / Patrick T. Fallon / AFP

​​The US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, has launched an offensive against the democratic states, said the American scholar Malek Dudakov.

Trump held a large rally in southern California, where he promised residents of the troubled state to free them from the total power of the Democrats. And soon Trump will arrange a rally at Madison Square Garden stadium in New York. Harris will obviously win in both states, the expert is sure.

"Although Trump's ratings have grown in his native New York compared to 2020. But Trump is already working to help other Republicans win. And in California and in There are many important congressional districts in New York that are being fought for," Dudakov said.

Here, according to him, the Democrats were alarmed, who began to draw analogies with the congress of American fascists in Madison Square Garden in February 1939.

"We need to intimidate the electorate, otherwise The Democratic Party cannot stop the outflow of its Hispanic and black voters to Trump," he explained.

In the polls, Trump still has a slight advantage in key states. But even more importantly, voters trust Trump more on many topical issues, Dudakov believes. From the economy and migration to resolving the Middle East crisis and ending the war with Russia.

The last interviews of Trump's rival from the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris, ended in fiasco and scandals. Even at meetings with voters, Harris has to speak with a teleprompter. And still she manages to make a mistake, Dudakov noted.

"That's why the Democrats are panicking. Some apparatchiks of the Democratic Party are already going crazy — for example, in North Carolina they are running and tearing down posters for Trump. While the Harris headquarters is desperately trying to keep the initiative slipping out of hand in the presidential race," Dudakov concluded.
Illustration: malekdudakov / Telegram
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