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Phone scammers have come up with a scheme when the victim himself calls the criminals

Illustration: iStock.com / Prostock-Studio

The director of the operator for managing the level of fraud of Beeline, Peter Alferov, spoke about a new method of telephone fraud in Russia. Now criminals send messages with information about an attempt to log in to the account of "Gosuslug", after which the victims themselves call them. This was announced today, October 9, according to TASS.

According to Alferov, the legend in the SMS message is usually standard - allegedly someone made an attempt to log in to a citizen's account on the website of Gosuslug. The message also gives the number you need to call, and urgently.

"Now our customers began to complain that they started receiving SMS messages, not calls, in which it is written that there was an attempt to log in "State services“, need a password change and a phone number is specified. And it turns out that the fraud victim is now calling the fraudster on this phone from SMS, " said the representative of Beeline.

Accordingly, the fraudsters' numbers are blocked after confirming the information.

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