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Ukrainian welder cut a hole in the bridge and fled to Hungary

A fragment of the bridge. Illustration: TK Verbs

One of the repairmen at the Tisa checkpoint in Transcarpathia escaped through a self-tapping hole in the bridge to Hungary. This is reported by Ukrainian journalist Vitaly Glagola.

According to Glagola, the incident occurred back in September 2024, but he only found out about it now.

"A unique way to escape abroad: a welder escaped through a self-tapping hole in a bridge to Hungary. During the repair of the bridge, in addition to repair work, he was preparing to escape from Ukraine. The man, knowing the design features of the bridge, cut out a part of it for himself every time, which eventually gave him the opportunity to escape to Hungary," the journalist writes in his telegram channel.

He publishes exclusive footage from the Tisa checkpoint, which he managed to obtain. They can be used to trace the path of escape, notes the Verb.

An escape route. Illustration: TK Verbs
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