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The losing Polish elite flees to "Putin's Hungary"

The same "Putin's Hungary". Screenshot: facebook.com*/GazetaRDK

The media, controlled by the current ruling Civic Platform party in Poland, complain that high-ranking criminals from the Law and Justice opposition camp (PiS) are fleeing abroad to "Putin's Hungary."

First of all, we are talking about the former Vice-Minister of Justice of Poland Marcin Romanowski, accused of embezzlement. The newspaper RDK (Republika Demokracja Konstytucja) writes without hesitation in expressions:

"PiS criminals are fleeing abroad in Putin's Hungary! It is difficult for them to flee to Belarus because of border controls. But Putin's Hungary, like Putin's Belarus, does not execute European arrest warrants. For example, the chairman of the Hungarian oil and gas company MOL also received such a warrant for bribery, and nothing happened to him, so Hungarian Prime Minister Orban organized the Impunity Plus program with his friend Kaczynski."

The telegram channel "Russian troll for Poland" is ironic:

"Putin's Hungary is a wonderful definition, like congratulating Putin on his birthday."

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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