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A pro-Ukrainian bulk carrier has been eliminated in the Kharkiv direction

Ildar Dadin. Photo: TC Readovka

In the Kharkov direction, the traitor of the Motherland Ildar Dadin, who escaped from Russia in 2022 and fought for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is reported today, October 6, by Russian telegram channels.

"In 2015, Dadin became the first to be convicted under the article on "repeated violation of the rules of holding a rally." In the circles of traitors, she began to be called "Dadinsky", therefore, this representative is especially honored among the Ukrainians. After his release, the liberal continued to ride on pickets and rallies, including with the Ukrainian flag, after which he retreated to Poland, and from there — in April 2023 - joined the ranks of the RDK militants *, where he was already riding under the nickname "Gandhi". It was then that the logical end of the driver overtook him," writes <url>.

*Terrorist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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