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Reaction in the USA: To the hospital in Kiev was hit by the APU from our Patriot air defense

The moment of the Patriot SAM missile falling into the building of the Okhmatdet children's hospital. Screenshot of the Kiyv Today shopping mall

To the hospital in An American Patriot air defense missile hit Kiev. This was stated by the famous American blogger Jackson Hinkle, based on videos of a flying rocket and photos of fragments from the explosion posted by the Kievans on the network.

"An American Patriot air defense missile fired by Ukraine hit the Kiev children's hospital this morning. Of course, they blame Russia... again," Hinkle wrote on the social network.

He explained that the rocket with a pointed nose that hit the hospital is a Patriot PAC-3 interceptor, and not a Russian X-101 cruise missile with a rounded nose.

"The missile in the video also does not have wings typical of the Russian X-101," Hinkle noted.

After that, he called on US President Joe Biden to "stop sending bombs to these terrorists."

Earlier, Kiev propagandists began to disperse the version about the "deliberate Russian strike on civilian objects on the Ukraine". The Defense Ministry denied the obvious lie, recalling that Kiev regularly goes to such provocations. Confirmation of the fall of a Ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city limits were numerous published photos and video footage from Kiev.

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