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EAEU receives more positive media coverage in Armenia

As part of Eurasian MediaIndex survey, an analysis of media coverage for Eurasian integration agenda for the 2nd quarter of 2017 was conducted. The analysis revealed that the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries have received more positive media coverage in Armenia recently.

This indicator (0.17) in Armenia was the lowest in the EAEU space for the 1st quarter of 2017. In the 2nd quarter, it has reached 0.39. In April-June 2017, almost no negative media reports on Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were observed in Armenia, the authors of the survey say.

Analysis of media coverage in other EAEU countries showed that the Russian Federation was mentioned in media reports more than other countries of the Union (54.8%), while Kazakhstan was mentioned the least (23.3%). Russia and Belarus were the most covered countries for the first two quarters of 2017. Kyrgyzstan goes the third (up 11.4%). The number of media reports on Kazakhstan within the context of EAEU has also increased (by 7,9%) as compared to the previous monitoring period.

The media coverage dynamics monitoring showed that positive media coverage has evidently exceeded the negative one. Media coverage in Armenia was mostly positive in the period from mid-April to late May, according to the survey.

EAEU’s share in business media coverage in Armenia has increased from 3% to 11% comparing to the 1st quarter of 2017. This is a result of quite sound and positive statements on economic issues by some officials at international economic events for that period (the East Forum Berlin, Business Forum in Armenia etc.). The survey authors processed 1,489 reports of 65 media sources in Armenia.

Eurasian MediaIndex Project is implemented by the Center for Integration Studies jointly with the Sociology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.

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