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Moldovan PM: There will be no snap elections

Prime Minister of Moldova Pavel Filip is sure that the government and the parliament will manage to establish cooperation with the president shortly to avoid the looming confrontation.

“The confrontation strategy brings nothing good to anyone,” Filip said adding, “There will be no snap parliamentary elections.”

According to the prime minister, snap elections will “hinder development and modernization of the country,” therefore the parliamentary majority and the government will be “working efficiently and in full accordance with the legislation of the country, improving the life of citizens.”

“Snap elections to the parliament will be a disaster. We stabilized the situation in 2016 with great difficulty, we have ‘unfrozen’ the foreign financing of the country, resumed cooperation with Moldova’s partners, signed a trilateral program of cooperation with IMF, stabilized financial and banking system,” the prime minister said.

He is sure that calls for snap elections and referendum will “trigger chaos in the country and suspend its development.”

As EADaily reported earlier, in the pre-election period, the major demand of the Moldovan opposition was to hold snap parliamentary elections. Coming to power at the end of 2016, Socialist Igor Dodon urged dissolving the parliament that actually boycotts his decisions (Moldova is a parliamentary republic, where the president was elected by parliamentarians until recently). Having no relevant provisions in the Constitution, Dodon takes advantage of his election as president through public voting and weighs a referendum to expand the powers of the president.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2017/02/03/moldovan-pm-there-will-be-no-snap-elections
Published on February 3rd, 2017 05:35 PM
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