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Georgian prime minister offers new rules of the game to his opponents

To secure “equal, peaceful and constructive election environment,” all political forces in Georgia need to elaborate and use as a guide as soon as possible a code of behavior for political forces, Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili has announced.

“The election campaign kicked off officially in Georgia, and I want to address political forces, government agencies and the public. First of all, I call everyone to adopt as soon as possible the code for behavior of political forces in the election campaign, which, hopefully, will be supported by all responsible forces active in this country,” runs a statement made by Kvirikashvili.

According to him, the principles in the code must become the basis for consensus in society.

The consensus must be about non-using of force, hate speech, offence of opponents, and so on, the prime minister says. He also calls extremely important to secure equal access to resources.

Addressing to supporters of the Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia party led by him, Kvirikashvili notes that no one should have any questions about use of the administrative resource.

He also asks the police to do the best to guarantee order and prevent from any manifestations of tension.

On June 8, Kvirikashvili confirmed the date of the parliamentary elections set by the president on June 3. The election is to take place on October 8. The election campaign was launched officially on June 8. It will be the longest one in the modern Georgia. More than 27 political parties are to compete for 150 mandates in the parliament. The registration process will continue till early August. Apart from the parliamentary election, elections to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara are also scheduled for October 8.

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