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Protesters in Moldova: We have no way back

The Moldova authorities are ready for a constructive dialogue with the protesters but are against mid-term parliamentary elections.

“It is late. People are tired of talk, they want action,” says the leader of the Dignity and Truth Platform Party Andrei Nastase.

“Our firm position is to dissolve the parliament, to conduct mid-term parliamentary elections, to amend the Constitution, to directly elect the President and to free public offices from oligarchs,” says the leader of the party of Socialists.

The leader of Our Party Renato Usatii points out that there can be dialogue only if Andrian Candu announces mid-term elections.

“There is no way back for us. We are going to meet with public activities, experts and foreign diplomats and our decisions will be surprising for the authorities,” says one of the leaders of the Dignity and Truth Platform Party Vasily Nastase.

As EADaily reported earlier, on Jan 24, the protesters called on the government to resign and to announce mid-term parliamentary elections by Apr 2016. Prime Minister Pavel Filip rejected their claims.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2016/01/29/protesters-in-moldova-we-have-no-way-back
Published on January 29th, 2016 11:10 AM
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