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The actor of the TV series "Capercaillie" and "Karpov" Yuri Ponomarenko died.

Yuri Ponomarenko. Photo: press service of the Melnikov Stage Theater

Theater and film actor Yuri Ponomarenko died at the age of 49. This is reported by the REN-TV portal.

According to the source of the publication, the artist's body was found in his apartment on High-voltage passage in the morning of October 27.

"His death is of a natural nature," said the interlocutor of the portal.

He clarified that Ponomarenko was found with a head injury, which was probably sustained during a fall.

Yuri Ponomarenko was born on March 7, 1975. He graduated from the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute. Since 1997— the artist has served in the Viktyuk Theater (now the Melnikov Stage). The next performance with his participation was to take place on October 29 — "The Master and Margarita".

During his career, the actor took part in 62 film and television projects, most remembered for his roles in the series "Capercaillie", "Karpov" and "Pyatnitsky".

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