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"Barbarians!" — thousands of graves are being liquidated all over Poland

The same sign on the grave in Poland. Illustration: tuwroclaw.com

Startling stickers have appeared in the cemeteries of Wroclaw and other Polish cities.

Right on the tombstones in the necropolises in Osobovitsy and Grabishin, the following announcements are pasted:

"Attention: The grave is intended for liquidation."

The City Hall of Wroclaw explained that due to non-payment by the families of the deceased of fees guaranteeing a burial place for the next two decades, the graves will be liquidated. The amount of the fee varies from 800 to 4600 zlotys (20,000 and 111,000 rubles, respectively). If the families do not respond to the warnings, all memorials are removed from the graves, and the place is set aside for a new burial. According to the municipality, there are already about 15 thousand such graves.

Ordinary Poles are angry at such measures. On the city portal TuWrocław.pl — dozens of outraged comments, already seasoned with anti-Semitism. Here are just a few:

"Barbarians! It's time to put an end to this! The price of land in cemeteries is several times more expensive than the price of building plots in the city center!"
"Try to pull off such a trick with Jewish graves in Poland! Their cemeteries, which have been on Polish soil for 800 years, have not been paid for. And how did they cope in Wroclaw? They added their cemetery to the people's museum."
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