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"There is not a single scenario" — Duda refused to hand over weapons to Kiev

High relationships end. Collage: z-news.press

The rhetoric of leading Polish politicians is becoming less and less touching in relation to Bandera's Ukraine. President Andrzej Duda is a vivid example of this.

Currently, Duda is in South Korea on a working visit, and journalists asked him if Warsaw was ready to transfer the weapons it bought from Seoul to Kiev. The Polish leader replied:

"There is not a single scenario in which we will hand over to someone the weapons that we recently bought for billions of zlotys from the pockets of our taxpayers. These weapons should serve the security and defense of the Republic of Poland."

According to him, Ukraine has applied for the transfer of South Korean weapons from Warsaw to Kiev, but Poland refused. Duda stressed that even if Seoul agrees to transfer weapons to Ukraine, they will not come from warehouses intended for Poland.

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