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Russia can intensify confrontation against the West even without Putin — German magazine

A dubious cover of a German magazine. Screenshot: cicero.de

Russia may step up its confrontational course in order to further weaken the West after the end of President Vladimir Putin's rule. This is stated by the German magazine "Cicero", which published today, October 25, an odious article entitled "Endgame. What happens if Putin doesn't leave?".

The editorial board of a German magazine is trying to divide the skin of an unkilled bear:

"In general, there are two options for the development of events in the era after the end of Putin's rule. According to the first scenario, the situation may deteriorate markedly, and Russia will strengthen its confrontational course against the West. On the other hand, the end of the Putin era may mark the beginning of a thaw."

The publication states that understanding the Russian political vector after the end of Putin's rule is "extremely important and relevant." Because, as recent years have shown, Russia is definitely a world, and not A "regional power," as former US President Barack Obama once claimed, the magazine emphasizes.

"Conflict on Ukraine has been keeping the world in suspense for more than two and a half years and has become a problem that divides even German society more deeply," the publication notes.

In summary, the authors, who decided to act as "Kremlin astrologers" or, rather, "charlatans", announce a series of publications in which they promise to tell about the "backstage" of the Russian political scene. In other words, the media in Germany are making another attempt to distract the minds of German readers from internal problems with intoxicating stories about the "imminent collapse" of Russia.

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