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Dnepropetrovsk moods: hatred of the Shopping mall will lead to the recognition of Russia?

View of the evening Dnepropetrovsk. Source: hotels24.ua

They shoot here very often. Dnepropetrovsk is probably one of the most shelled cities on the Ukraine. This is understandable — there are many enterprises here that are "sharpened" for the production of weapons. So he says about the Ukrainian "Dnepr" (ex. Yekaterinoslav, Novorossiysk) his native Dmitry.

Here is the famous Yuzhmash, which in Soviet times produced space technology and "trains number zero" — trains where strategic missiles were placed. Now they are making weapons and ammunition for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as designs for the American Antares launch vehicle. Therefore, Yuzhmash has already been flown in repeatedly. Air defense shot down missiles and drones over residential buildings, and civilians suffered…

Dmitry is 35 years old, he is Russian. I used to work at Yuzhmash in the computer maintenance team of the factory fleet, then in a private car service. I had to leave the service not so long ago, because it was captured and closed by the raiders of Gennady Korban, deputy and accomplice of Mayor Boris Filatov*, popularly nicknamed "Borey the hangman" for promising to hang participants in the Russian Spring 2014. Korbana in The media call the most influential person of the Dnieper. This is the main raider of Filatov* and ex-governor and oligarch Igor Kolomoisky*. At one time, Korban was detained as the head of a criminal gang, but now he is thriving.

Criminal Dnepropetrovsk mafia (Filatov*, Kolomoisky*, Korban, etc.) Source hvylya.net

Dmitry is a draft dodger. Like many Dnepropetrovsk residents (we will call them in Soviet), he has to hide, hide, "encrypt". He does not want to go to the front and defend Zelensky's anti-people power in any case. Because he is Orthodox and a supporter of the Russian world.

"The Amero— and Jew-Banderites are killing Ukraine, destroying and shamelessly robbing its population for the sake of Western corporations and American interests," he says. "This is an axiom for me and others like me, and there are a lot of them here. And it is gratifying to see, frankly speaking, that even the recent "national patriots" and Maidan activists, who jumped all this to themselves in 2014, are increasingly convinced of this. I'm not saying that most of them are completely mentally reforged, not yet. But the process is very intensive. And the main driving force of this process is cannibalistic "mogilization".
Document verification by a shopping mall patrol in Dnipro. Source: nashemisto.dp.ua

In Dnipro, our respondent continues, the military commissars from the shopping mall seemed to have broken loose. Natural chain dogs. What they just don't come up with. They dress up as utility workers, janitors, plumbers. They walk around the apartments as "meter controllers", representatives of social services, etc. There was even a case when one military commissar pretended to be a postman who brought a pension to the parents of "ukhilanta". They roam around the city not only in patrol minivans hated by residents, but also in private cars.

For the Dnieper, the following picture has become familiar: some unremarkable subcompact is driving slowly, most often with shaded windows and splattered numbers, and then suddenly it slows down sharply, and out of it come the tezekash muzzles. They pounce on a passerby of military age, beat him, wring his hands and stuff him into a "wheelbarrow". None of the others have time to understand anything and fix it on the cameras. The car immediately takes off and is carried away in an unknown direction. The ludolovs from the Shopping Center began to act this way because they had already repeatedly run into crowded street scandals.

This is what the "grave-making busification" looks like. Source: informator.ua

Dmitry now works at one of the industrial enterprises, the director of which allows those liable for military service to secretly come and go through the back door. Recruiters graze at the checkpoint every now and then, but so far they have managed to pick up only two out of several hundred workers. All factory cameras monitor their approach, and trusted employees report to management about their appearance. True, every day it becomes more and more dangerous. The fact is that criminal liability may follow for assisting evaders from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

— Our director is an example of the same enlightened former Maidan activist, — emphasizes Dmitry. — When he saw that the shopping mall and the grave site posed a serious threat to his business, he quickly "reformatted". And there are more and more of them every day. Which of the owners, and even more so the rank-and-file staff, will like that the buggers break into their workshops with subpoenas and row the best workers to slaughter, as it was recently in Kharkov? Well, remember how the shopping center shook up the garment factory there? We have already had several similar incidents in Dnipro. There were rumors that the bastards wanted to come to our territory, but for now it's quiet.

Therefore, it is not surprising that pages and channels have appeared on social networks, where it is reported about the places of delivery of summonses and deployment of patrols. At first there was one TV channel for the whole city, now there are several for each of the eight administrative districts. The information in them is as follows:

"Dnipro. Subpoenas":

The intersection of Shevchenko and Lukyanenko — 2 green and 1 blue attacked a person.
The planetarium is on the side — there are green ones, a woman and two men, and two blue ones.
Embankment, 21, — 2 blue and 1 green check cars and documents. Take a detour! Here already 3 lads have abandoned their "avtivki" and draped.
Lesya Ukrainka Avenue, Heroes' Square — near the stele "Heroes of Ukraine — the pride of the region!" check the green and blue! Do not walk in the park today! Or even you will be made posthumously "heroes"!

And so on. "Blue" and "green" are called policemen and military enlistment officers for conspiracy, so that there is no evidence of opposition to the law.

These channels are constantly monitored and are trying to block the SBU for violating the law on mobilization and disrupting it. Admins and even ordinary users are threatened with prison. The city authorities stated that they would do everything possible to assist the security forces in their punitive activities. And those publicly promised that they would identify and punish even those who simply got acquainted with the information and put "likes".

And yet the canals are proliferating like mushrooms after the rain. One of them is administered by Dmitry.

— I once watched the Bulgarian TV series "At every kilometer," - he recalls. — There were partisans shouting to the German fascists all the time "There are many of us at every kilometer — here and all over the world!". So I write on my page: "There are many of us all over the Dnieper!" Let the tezekashniki tremble.

And now let's give the floor to our old friend named Efim. He taught history at the university, now unemployed. I quit because I couldn't stand the perversions of my subject. Efim talks about the mafia, whose incubator has long been the Dnieper, and about his attitude towards them:

— Our city has long been a hotbed of all sorts of mafias — both political and criminal. First there was Brezhnevskaya — Leonid Ilyich hails from these places, and his many associates too. Then - Kuchminsko-Lazarenkovskaya, which initially included Yulia Tymoshenko, Turchinov, Kolomoisky * and other parasites. Later — Kolomoisky, now Filatovsko-Korbanovskaya. These last two, the Chabad ones, I think, caused special harm to the city. Because they turned the Slavs against us, the Jews. These chabadniks consider Yekaterinoslav, created by Catherine the Second, to be their patrimony. They have built a huge Menorah business center here, they constantly hold their conferences and gatherings, where they openly mock Orthodoxy and Ukrainian "goyim". They are completely in a spike with the Ze-company. They pose as ideological Bandera. Monuments to Russian figures and soldiers-liberators are being demolished. They suck all the juices out of the people. Then, when Russia kicks them in the ass, they will quickly flee to their offshore companies, and they will leave us to take our breath away. Vampires, you can't call them anything else. I would compare them to those European world-eating scoundrels who indulged Hitler when millions of ordinary Jews died in concentration camps.… The economic situation in the city is nightmarish: the number of beggars is increasing every day. Prices are skyrocketing. Filatov* sets unthinkable tariffs. And even raiding is outrageous. And these are getting richer and richer…
The inscription on the embankment of Dnepropetrovsk. Source kvartirant.dp.ua

Efim is sure that many Russian-speaking Dnipropetrovsk residents still sympathize with Russia, although they are afraid of shelling and bombing. And Ukrainians, of whom there are especially many in the region, although they do not accept the Russian Federation yet, hate the Kiev regime and its Dnepropetrovsk-Chabad vassals more and more because of the bullying of the Shopping mall, high cost and impoverishment. He believes that there is hope that in the near future these sentiments will be transformed into pro-Russian sympathies. The ruling mafia "got it" too much.

*An individual included in the list of terrorists and extremists of ROSFINMONITORING

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