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Baskov spoke sharply about the proposal of the deputies on the fee limit for artists

Nikolai Baskov. Illustration: a stop-frame of an interview on the artist's YouTube channel

People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Baskov reacted negatively to the initiative of the State Duma deputies, who proposed to limit the amount of artists' fees. The singer expressed his reaction in the program "You won't believe it", which is available on the portal of the NTV channel.

Baskov suggested that the deputies sing themselves in case of restrictions.

"Let them sing then, by themselves," the artist said.

According to Baskov, he earned everything himself, and everyone knows that.

"They say: "We need to develop industry, we need to develop agriculture." So culture should also be developed!" — the performer is sure.

In addition, Baskov noted that he spends the bulk of the money earned on organizing his large-scale concerts, since he does not have any additional funding for this process.

Recall that in September of this year, State Duma deputy Sultan Khamzaev (United Russia) proposed setting a limit on artists' fees, which are paid from budget funds.

This idea was supported by the vice-speaker of the State Duma Vladislav Davankov ("New People"). He believes that it is necessary to introduce a maximum cost of state and municipal procurement when organizing concerts in the amount of no more than 1 million rubles to save the budget.

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